
Richard Barnes

Civil Litigation Department – Director & Solicitor

Richard is the Senior Director and Head of Litigation/Dispute Resolution and the Company’s Compliance Officer for Financial Administration specialising in personal injury law with 35 years’ experience of acting for both Claimants and Defendants. He qualified in 1984.

Richard can advise on:

Claimants wishing to recover damages for personal injuries and consequential loss arising from:

Road Traffic Accidents

(drivers and riders and passengers in vehicular transport, cyclists and pedestrians).

Workplace accidents.

Stress at work, bullying and harassment claims.

Public liability claims

(accidents in public and private places including shops and supermarkets, highways slipping and tripping accidents).

Abuse claims

(sexual, racial and homophobic).

Product liability claims.

Clinical and dental negligence.

Although Richard’s case load comprises of both modest and high value claims, he has developed particular specialism in the following:

Acting for members of the armed services, army, navy and air force

(Biscoes is a member of Forces Law).

Non-Freezing Cold Injuries

Catastrophic injury claims.

Head and brain injury cases.

Fatal accidents.

Serious workplace accidents.

Disease claims

including mesothelioma (asbestosis), hard metal and wood dust related cancers.

Work related noise induced hearing loss claims.

Vibration white finger.

Richard undertakes all cases on a No Win – No Fee basis.

Did you know:

Richards fundamental objective in all cases is to maintain his client’s quality of life and to ensure that they achieve proper compensation for the injuries sustained.

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