Our Charges – Debt Recovery

Our Charges – Debt Recovery

Naomi Taylor is a Legal Advisor (Paralegal) with over 9 years litigation experience. Naomi’s hourly rate is £225 per hour plus 20% VAT.  Supervising Naomi is Kevin Richardson, who is a Director, Chartered Legal Executive and the Deputy Head of the Dispute...
Our Charges – Debt Recovery

Our Charges – Probate

, We currently have 13 team members across 6 offices, providing a wealth of experience and knowledge on all aspects of Private Client and Inheritance Protection work. Regardless of who works on your matter, they will be supervised by Tim Gamester, Director and Head of...
Our Charges – Debt Recovery

Our Charges – Residential Property

Our on-boarding team will speak with you first to ensure that we fully understand your needs, we will then assign your case to the most appropriate member of our team and if requestioned based in the office nearest to you. Our team is staffed by qualified lawyers...
Our Charges – Debt Recovery

Our Charges – Employment

Stuart has over 14 years’ experience as an Employment Law specialist Solicitor and is also qualified as a CEDR accredited Mediator. Stuart is supervised by our Head of Commercial Stewart Alcock, who is an Associate Solicitor. We act for both Employers and Employees,...
Our Charges – Debt Recovery


what we we will be doing what we will not be doing what is it likely to cost how that cost will be calculated what assumptions we have made to arrive at that likely cost We believe there should be no surprises and that you can be in control of your budget with as much...